Hi all,
I not only have this website I also have a Face book page ( a Twitter account (Sunny Days @PosiTiviTyWiNs) It has shocked me the amount of people that have read, re-tweeted, liked, commented, and emailed me with their support, understanding, stories and poems, it has made me feel that I am doing something good in my road to recovery, this has been very important to me and I hope in some way it has helped you guys.

If you are like me and came here for advice and understating I hope you received that, I am not a Doctor or Counselor I am just a normal ordinary person telling my story to you all and if it helps anyone then I have achieved so much. Accepting where you are and understanding it is the key to recovery, never be ashmed of who you are and what has happened to you, every thing happens for a reason, I myself am a better person from going through what I have as I was able to change so much that I did not like but had pretending for many years that I did, I am not out the other side yet .. but I will be. :-) .. Find!!  find someone to talk to as talking is so important, if you find it hard to talk then write it down your thought, feelings and worries, get on the internet and find others that sufferer like us, it helps so much when you realise their problems are the same as yours. Read !! .. get as much information as you can, this helped me so much as I was able to control my thoughts and feelings with all the information I have gained. Go !!! go to your Doctor, they will help and give you advice and there are so many places to go to to get advice and help, please don't suffer alone and in silence. I am here if you need me xxx 

If you came here to understand a loved one then my advice is this it's going to be hard .. very hard and it is a long journey but please just be as understanding as you possible can be, be the one to listen to the madness that makes no sense, because it makes no sense to us either, be the one who loves no matter what and tell them that you love them often, be the one who does not judge the thoughts and feelings we have that are so up and down, be the one who will put your arms around us and hold on tightly when we are so scared and we don't know what are why we are scared, be that one that we can trust with all the confusion and helplessness that is going on in our mind and body,  be the one to hold our hand when we see the doctor for the first time, be the one to sit outside when we visit the counselor for the first time because its so very scarey .. Be that one .. PLEASE .. Because we need you now more than ever .. But I promise you this .. Depression is just a visitor .. an evil one at that !! but just a visitor.

If you came here because you think .. like many do .. that we should just 'get over it' then I need to tell you this is an illness, it is a disease, it is soul destroying, it sucks all the happiness and hope that we ever had in our complete being. Let me ask you this .. have you ever closed your eyes and wished to god they would not open again?? Have you ever felt as if being dead would feel better than what you are feeling right now?? If you have not then you have to room to judge us ... I was a happy go lucky girl with a fab family, two wonderful kids and a partner to die for .. what happened to me .. LIFE happened .. I cant explain it but I can tell you that if it  weren't for my family, my kids, a few friends, my doctor and my wonderful counselor .. Oh .. and medication I really don't think I would be here telling you this .. I used to think that anyone who committed suicide was selfish and it was a 'cowards way out' .. I now know different, when I hear of a suicide all I think now is .. My god, they didn't or couldn't get the help they needed, it makes me sad and very helpless as I know that could have been me.
Please don't judge before you really know, not just in this case but in life in general. Everyone you walk past in the street is fighting, fighting for one thing or another .. Life is not easy, its not meant to be but we are all different .. some of us are just fighting to stay alive. Have a thought for these people just for a minute, maybe smile or ask someone if they are 'OK' .. you wouldn't believe how good it feels to be kind, it lifts the spirit, not just for you but for them as well.
I did not want this to happened to me but it did, I have come to terms with it now and am able to make steps to recover but if I did not have understanding people around me things would have been very different.
Depression IS a disease .. it IS an illness that NEEDS treatment .. Please help me to end the stigma .. its about time.

If you are my family, friends, loved ones, My Doctor or Counselor .. Thank you .. Thank you .. Thank you .. I love you all and owe you all so much. xxx

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    I am a 41 year old mother of two teenagers just living a normal life, trying to get by as most people do until I had a very bad break down in October 2012. I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression in November 2012. Here I am in March 2013 feeling better and stronger than I have felt for a long time and I feel an overwhelming urge to help people understand this illness.


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

