OK so its Easter weekend and for the majority of people they have a long weekend off to rest and recuperate from work, relax and recharge the batteries  .. But for me it is different and I'm sure for so many of you as well, I know I am on the road (very long road) to recovery as I can feel it but to do this I needed to  put plans in place for every day so when I woke up I knew what I had to do for the day or I would have either not got out of bed or just laid on the sofa in my pajamas drowning.
It is lovely to have my partner home and my kids off school because they are all such great company and look after me well .. but it throws me out of sync and I wake up not knowing what I am supposed to be doing for the day, every one is at home and talking at once .. LOL  So I am a little lost.
I know I have the strength to talk myself round, its hard but doable but they way I feel these days is I NEED to have order in my life and mind to be able to put things into perspective, It may sound silly to some but its what I have found I have to do, I have to get out of the house once a day even if its just a trip to the shops as it makes me get my self together or like I said I would just sit there going too far into myself .. So as much as I say 'Happy Easter' to you all, I will be thinking of those who feel like me, just a little trapped .. But hold on and be strong for If we can get through those days of darkness and evil .. We can get through anything xxx

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    I am a 41 year old mother of two teenagers just living a normal life, trying to get by as most people do until I had a very bad break down in October 2012. I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression in November 2012. Here I am in March 2013 feeling better and stronger than I have felt for a long time and I feel an overwhelming urge to help people understand this illness.


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

