
I have been overwhelmed by the response from this website and my Facebook page.
It is so very clear to me that so many people want to read, talk, understand and find information about Depression and the many mind altering things that go with it. I am not a Doctor, Counselor or any kind of Health Professional I am just an ordinary person with two kids that had a very bad break down and was diagnosed with Clinical Depression.
I am here just to let others know the pain that Depression brings into your life, I am also here to tell you all the dark, evil thoughts you get are part and parcel of Depression and I am here to tell you that Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks are just visitors, they will not always be there and you will get stronger and more positive as time goes by. Its true that you have to stay as positive as possible, now .. I know how hard that is because there are times when you just cannot brush the negativity aside and you end up going along down that dark tunnel with it, you don't even want to get out of bed let alone face the world .. I always felt at my most comfortable when I could shut my eyes, I did not have to see anything or deal with anything, I had days of just laying on the sofa in too much pain to move and days when the world just seemed to hard and I desperately  wanted this feeling to end so badly.
Through the help of understanding, information, medication and counseling I am able to tell you things do get better .. I promise, Its a long road and I am still not fully out of my depression but I can see that I am strong enough to get there.

I think now is the time to be able to stand up and say .. Yes, I had a breakdown .. Yes I am Clinically Depressed .. But Hey .. That's just life .. accept that I am unwell as you would any other with an illness and accept that with medication I will get better but as with any other illness it takes time, patience, love and understanding.
Thank you xxx


I wanted to share with you all how I felt in November/December 2012. I wanted to write down the things I felt and the answers to them so when I was having a bad hour, day even week I could go back and talk myself round with the points.
When I look at it know the words remind me just how low and scared I was and also reminds me just how far I have come today.

My feelings.

Sweating – Possibly my thyroid.

I sweat, then I panic because I am sweating so I sweat more, the panics make me shaky so I am panicking, sweating and shaky all at once. So stop and think, how do you feel.. You feel well and the sweating is nothing to worry about so don’t worry about it and you will calm down and feel better.


I have been suffering with excess acid for over a year which the Doctor told me about in my scan.

When I get stressed I think I make my acid and heartburn worse, I also get confused with the feeling of doom in my stomach as it feels the same as being over hungry and indigestion so don’t jump to the first thought in your head that it is all doom and gloom.

Negative thoughts.

They come and they go, when they come don’t take too much notice of them as they are stupidly extreme, don’t worry about them as they don’t mean a thing to you and are not what you are about and you know that, when they come get up and do something to occupy your mind and they will go but do no panic with them, breathe and continue with doing something else, you know you can!!!

You have had numerous checks in the last year and all have come back with good results so you know there is nothing seriously wrong with you, yes you are depressed but so are many many other people.. Don’t give up as you will get there, there will be bad days and good days; remember the good as it seems we only ever remember the bad.

You have achieved so much over the last year, you wanted to lose weight and you have lost 45lb!! And you wanted to be healthier and you are, so continue with that as it will make you feel so much better.

Be proud of who you are and what you have achieved in your life, you are a very lucky person to have so many wonderful people in your life who know how you feel and understand, you are not alone.. always remember that !!!!

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    I am a 41 year old mother of two teenagers just living a normal life, trying to get by as most people do until I had a very bad break down in October 2012. I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression in November 2012. Here I am in March 2013 feeling better and stronger than I have felt for a long time and I feel an overwhelming urge to help people understand this illness.


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

