Well that is Easter over and done with, I got through it .. WooHoo !!  Every little thing that approaches me I try my hardest to hit it head on and when its over with I say to myself 'Well done, that's another achievement for you'.
My next big thing coming up is my sons 18th, I would usually have a big party at my house for all friends and family but have not been able to do that for quite a while, I used to have four house parties a year for my partners, two kids and my birthdays, the last birthday party I held was January 2012, that was my 40th and all went down hill from there .. So my sons 18th is a massive mile stone not only for him but also for me. I just cannot face having lots of people in my house and around me, being the hostess is not for me anymore, it comes with too much pressure and I think I would just crack under it so we have all opted for a night out in our local, where we will take over the place and have a good ole family knees-up (if your not English - knees-up  means a night of drinking, dancing, drinking, singing and drinking .. and drinking more .. LOL)
I am a bit nervous and anxious about it but also looking forward to it at the same time, I will just have to take it slowly and not put too much pressure on myself. I let you all know how it goes  :-)
I hope you all had a good Easter break and you have a good week ahead, think good positive thoughts, be kind to yourself and give yourself a pat on the back for all you have achieved .. sometimes we need to stop, think and take a look back to see just how far we have come.. xx

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    I am a 41 year old mother of two teenagers just living a normal life, trying to get by as most people do until I had a very bad break down in October 2012. I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression in November 2012. Here I am in March 2013 feeling better and stronger than I have felt for a long time and I feel an overwhelming urge to help people understand this illness.


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

